Arborist Services for Northern California

➣ Consulting ➣ Risk Assessment ➣ Loss Mitigation ➣ Preservation

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Spring & Summer 2024

Hello and Welcome!
I'm Jeff Davis and I have over 35 years of experience in the art and science of treating and caring for trees in native and planned landscapes. As an ISA Certified Arborist Utility Specialist with a Tree Risk Assessment Qualification, I am knowledgeable, skilled and thoughtful. Contact me here for a consultation and please be sure to visit my Property Management Page.

✔︎ Consulting
✔︎ Arborist Reports
✔︎ Tree Preservation
✔︎ Tree Risk Assessment
✔︎ Construction Damage Mitigation
✔︎ Earth Friendly IPM, Disease Diagnosis and Recommendations
✔︎ Planting, Replanting and Tree Removal Mitigation
✔︎ Tree Inventory and Mapping
✔︎ Pruning Specifications
✔︎ Trees and Utility "Rights of Way". What are your options.
✔︎ Thorough assessment of fire damaged trees for stability and viability.
✔︎ Services specific to your project needs

Arborist Services

JD's Property Management

Practical and Affordable Property Management for the Foothills of Placer, Nevada and El Dorado Counties.

"I take my role as an Arborist in my community very seriously. Trees need our respect and care. If they thrive, so will we."

Thomas J. Davis, Jr.

ISA Certified Arborist Utility Specialist WE-8768AU
ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified

TJD Arborist

Tree Care
for Northern California

Practical & Affordable

Your trees are a valuable asset and require specialized care. As a skilled and professional Arborist, I will correctly prune your trees and shrubs for healthy growth and vitality.
Services include:
✔︎ Crown Pruning: cleaning, thinning, raising, reduction, restoration.
✔︎ Vista Pruning: Maintain ocean, lake or mountain views.
✔︎ Maintain appearance, tree size and shape.
✔︎ Promote flower or fruit growth.
✔︎ Tree and Shrub Health: Control insect infestation, dead branches and storm damage.
✔︎ Protect Family and Neighbors: Take down hazardous dead and dying trees.
✔︎ Project specific services: Tree protection, root pruning, loss mitigation, preservation and replanting.
✔︎ Assess fire damaged trees for stability and viability.
✔︎ Help to establish required clearance distances between your trees and utilities.

Defensible Space

Vegetation Management to Protect your Home and Property

Defensible Space is the buffer you create between a building on your property and the grass, trees, shrubs, or any wildland area that surround it. Protect your family, home and property by creating and maintaining defensible space. Creating defensible space is essential to improving your home's chances of surviving a wildfire. It can also give firefighters the upper hand when defending your home from fire. (Defensible Space services are provided by our partner Defender Tree Service)

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